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Access to Services and Transport

A lack of police presence was mentioned as something that people didn’t like and they felt this contributed to the growing anti-social behaviour in the town.  Local residents indicated they would like another post office in town that could offer a range of services and which was more accessible.  It was believed there would be a significant demand for support services, and mental health services in particular, as the country comes out of lockdown.  Some people were also unsure about how services such as the school, health, local amenities etc. would cope with the projected levels of new housing in Crieff.  Improved public transport connections was something that people mentioned and which they said could improve social mobility e.g. bus and train timetables complementing each other.  Young people in particular were keen for the public transport timetable to link in better with other service timings but also for additional options to travel to nearby villages and towns.

Priorities & Actions

Short updates will appear as text under each progress tracker when available

1. Tackle anti-social behaviour

Agree regular police presence and action in the town


2. Improve access to local services

Establish additional and accessible post office services either as a new facility or as part of an existing initiative


Clear and accessible communications from local authority/agencies on availability of services


Monitor impact on services of a growing population and make representation for improvements as required


Better sharing/improved visibility of local authority planning, local development plans etc


3. Improve public transport provision

Discussions with a focus group of key user representatives


Discussions should include better integration of transport, better connections to neighbouring villages, and site location of bus stops


Presentation of proposed improvements to the relevant providers


Revive initiative to develop Gleneagles Station and improve train services


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