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Community – Working Together and Tackling Inequalities

There was a real desire to see local groups working more closely together for the community and the town.  It was identified that this has not been the case as much as it should and that this could hold back the town’s ability to develop.  There was a desire to recognise and tackle inequalities in the town and to make sure the views of all people were taken account of in developing services.  There was thought to be an opportunity to involve young people in as many aspects of the development of the priorities in this plan as possible, and to work closely with local schools and youth organisations to achieve this.  This view was endorsed by young people themselves!

Priorities & Actions

Short updates will appear as text under each progress tracker when available

1. Develop a ‘Uniting Crieff’ forum/partnership

Convene a Uniting Crieff Forum – inviting representation from all sectors of the community

The inaugural Uniting Crieff Forum took place on 17 January 2022 with numerous interested groups and individuals attending. Meetings are held regularly and have attracted groups from across the Strathearn & Strathallan area to communicate, make useful connections and foster partnership working.

Share resources, skills, expertise and knowledge

Forum members have agreed the open communication and sharing of information etc has been of great benefit, with various partners working closely together to achieve outcomes e.g. work together to prepare a joint funding applications.

Work closely with local services/agencies

Perth & Kinross Council e.g. Stronger Communities Team, Social Prescriber and other agencies such as Live Active Leisure are very involved.

Promote use of Uniting Crieff database (recently developed by Crieff Community Trust)

Funding received from PK LEADER to develop the site. Ongoing need to promote further.

2. Tackling Inequalities

Developing a shared understanding of multiple deprivation in Crieff


Supporting and developing groups and projects that tackle needs and create opportunities

A draft Strathearn & Strathallan Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Charter has been established. The Uniting Crieff Forum will discuss how to roll the Charter out across the area and encourage groups and organisations to make a pledge.

A successful joint funding application to the Tayside & Fife Regional Sporting Partnership (TFRSP) Sport & Physical Activity Fund resulted in an award of approx. £10,000 being made. A Volunteer and Activities Co-ordinator role has been advertised with interviews planned for September 2022. The role primarily involves identifying, organising and co-ordinating the support required to facilitate the return to sport/physical activities for people with disabilities and individuals experiencing isolation. Partners include Strathearn Building Bridges Ltd, Live Active Leisure, Perth & Kinross Council (Social Prescriber) and the Uniting Crieff Forum.

A joint funding application has been made to the Investing in Communities Fund for a Community Cafe – partners include Remake Scotland, Crieff Connexions and Crieff Community Trust. The outcome of the funding bid will be received in October 2022.

Strathearn & Strathallan Local Action Partnership awarded £500 to Friends of Crieff Cemetry for a tool shed/community hub in August 2022.

Making representation to partner agencies


3. Develop a Youth Voice in Crieff

Community groups and organisations to invite young people onto boards, committees etc


Young people offered meaningful leadership and decision-making roles in the community


Create a Youth Forum to represent Crieff in relevant matters


Develop a package of training to build confidence and skills e.g. public speaking, committee roles etc


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