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Sport, Health and Wellbeing

Sports providers identified an opportunity to work better together – improve communication and share resources and to improve links between schools and clubs.  Some sports clubs identified the need for additional facilities e.g. grass pitches and better access to existing facilities.  A Crieff International Highland Games Training Centre is proposed for Market Park.  Issues identified included young people dropping out of sport and high costs being prohibitive.  There was a need to do more to develop local young sports leaders and link them to local sports and recreation job opportunities.  A need for a central information point and co-ordination of relevant funding streams was identified for care, health and wellbeing services in the area.  It was also felt there was stigma attached to accessing some health and wellbeing services and creative solutions were suggested to remove these barriers.

Priorities & Actions

Short updates will appear as text under each progress tracker when available

1. Establish a Sport Hub

Identify and support a sport hub model (physical, geographical etc) unique to the needs of Crieff

Live Active Sport Development restructured from 1 April 2022 to regional working. Gemma Simpson, Sport Development Officer, is now linked to the Strathearn area and will be progressing hub work in Crieff. Current focus is clubs joining or renewing their PK Accredicated Club Excellence (PACES) membership. Contact

Support future developments including the proposed Highland Games Centre at Market Park and its potential as a sports, health and wellbeing hub


Share resources, skills, knowledge and volunteers

Sport Development Officer keeps clubs/sports organisations in Crieff up to date with opportunities via Live Active Sport’s monthly e-news.

2. Improved access to sports facilities

Establish a clear communication strategy between sports clubs, facility providers and greenspace officers


Identify solutions to barriers e.g. cost, access

Live Active Sport Development has annual ‘Sport for Change’ grant funding that PACES clubs can apply for to help reduce barriers to participation. Other funding that becomes available is highlighted in the Live Active Sport Development e-news.

Better communication between school sport and community sport providers/deliverers to discuss opportunities and challenges


3. Young people in sport

Investigate re-instatement of free bus pass scheme for secondary pupils to attend ex-curricular sport

Scottish Government has implemented free bus travel for under 22s.

Apply for local and national funding/support so that no child or young person is excluded from sport

Live Active Sport Development has annual ‘Sport for Change’ grant funding that PACES clubs can apply for to help reduce barriers to participation. Other funding that becomes available is highlighted in the Live Active Sport Development e-news.

Sports Clubs can apply to Perth and Kinross Council for funding during school holidays to support food insecurity and active participation via ‘Fuelled for Fun’ to support inclusion in sport.

Sport clubs to organise exchange visits to expose children to new activities


Funding streams to continue Young Sports Leader awards

Live Active Sport Development and Active Schools are positively reviewing the School Sport Coaching Programme for 2022-23 academic year so it can continue with improvements.

Creating local training, volunteering, work experience and employment opportunities for young people within the local sports and recreation sector (facilities, clubs, businesses)

4. Promote Health and Wellbeing

Invite local practitioners to register on Uniting Crieff


Include health and wellbeing outcomes within projects


Support to access funding streams to deliver community-based services


Creative solutions to removing barriers when accessing services


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